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Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


My meeting a couple weeks ago went ok with Dr. Amato. She was very conservative about how she spoke regarding the polyp, which kind of annoyed me, but I guess she has to be careful what she says or people get too hung up on things. She said she thought it unlikely to be the primary cause of our issues. She said that endometriosis is probably the main issue. However, I asked her if it was in a place where implantation occurs and she confirmed that it was. So, I'm still hopeful that removing it will give us another chance to conceive naturally. She also thought that was fine to wait a few months and see what happens. Please pray for the surgery to go well tomorrow and that a miracle could take place in the next couple months!

As for Weight Watchers, I'm doing great. I've lost a total of 5 lbs and have not felt all that different. It's been good for me to journal my daily food intake and keep track of points online. I know I'm making better choices and limiting my portions, which is a good change for me.

That's all the Baby Ruth updates for now. Happy Cinco De Mayo~ Cheers!

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