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Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

IVF Updates

Hello friends and fam! I'm back. It's been a while since I wrote because not much was happening. Things are coming along finally, so I'm getting re-excited. Today we ordered the medicine, so I feel like it's really coming soon now! My parents have been very very helpful in making this happen for us and I am soooo appreciative.

Here's my update:

Nov 8th I had some blood work for my FSH level and Estrodiol. They both looked good. Then I had an ultrasound to check resting follicles and they were ok. I had 4 on one side (not great) and 9 on the other (good). Overall, Dr Bankowski thought things looked fine enough and I am a good candidate for IVF. He would like to use a higher dosage of stimulating hormones than on my 1st try.

A couple of weeks ago, I received my IVF calendar from my nurse, Carol. It was like opening a Christmas present! I LOVE the clinic I'm at and how organized they are.  I will begin birth control around Dec 4th. Bryan and I will attend a class on Dec 13th to learn more about injections. We did them last time, but maybe this clinic has some special tricks we should know about! Then, around Dec 15th I'll start Lupron. Those are the shots that put me in a temporary state of menopause. (Yes, I'll probably have hot flashes--I did last time!). If all goes well, I'll start my stimulating shots January 1st so I can start growing lots of eggs (yuck that sounds like some type of insect). Between January 13 and 15th they'll harvest the eggs, fertilize them in the test tubes and let them grow for about 5 days. When they reach the blastocyst stage about day 5, I'll go back in and have them put back in the oven. The "best" case scenario speaking in my feeble little human mind would be to have 2 beautiful embryos to put in and some others left to freeze for later. However, I'm trusting that God will provide just the right number for us and we'll have peace with whatever He gives us (I'll admit I"m hoping He doesn't say 0 so please pray for us!)   After they transfer the embryos back in, I'll be on bed rest for 2 days. At my last clinic, they did not really recommend it, so this will be something new. About 9 days after that, I'll go in for the big fat blood test. I know from experience that it will be the longest 9 days of my life! I'm going to do my best to stay distracted. Anyone have a fun book series to recommend?

That's all for now. Hope all is well out there!


  1. Good luck, Jenny! I'm going to ORM's seminar on the 21st. We decided not to go to NW Fertility even though my OB recommended it because I haven't heard the best reviews. So we decided to go to ORM's seminar. I'm anxious to get started on the next step. Obviously, Clomid didn't work out for us. My body built an immunity against it. I highly recommended Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen and the Twilight series is a great series as well :)

  2. Wow Jenny! I'm so excited for you! Christmas will be coming in January this year for you guys! Hopefully with a pink and a blue box! I will continue to pray! And I second the nod to the Twilight series. I LOVED it, like a squealy, hormonal teenage girl. (Just like me, right?!) Maybe I can come visit you, (Calmly and quietly without commotion) during those 9 days. Unless of course it is better to wait on the visitors. Let me know! I need your help to figure out how to do blog graphics. I'm determined to start mine 1st of the year! Miss you!

  3. Hooray!! Praying, praying, praying for your little miracle!!! Hope last night went well and you are well equipped for all those injections! I know you felt like a pin cushion before, but you will be getting twice the pokes this time around since you will be getting progesterone pokes, too! It's SO worth it, as you will come to find out :) Praying for God's supernatural peace to pour over you and Bryan as you prepare for this next cycle. Remember to focus on the journey and surrender the destination~it's in His hands :)

  4. Love Dr. Bankowski.. he did a surgery for me after I gave birth to Hazel. We will be praying for you guys!

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